
Ultra-Flat SiNx Coated Substrates

  • Ultra-Flat SiNx Coated Substrates
    The Ultra-Flat SiNx Substrates consist of ultra-flat silicon wafers coated with 200nm of amorphous nonstoichiometric ultra-low-stress silicon nitride, similar to our silicon nitride grids. The ultra-flat SiNx substrates are available in 6" wafer and conveniently diced 5 x 5mm, 5 x 7mm, and 10 x 10mm chips. The 6" wafer is shipped in a 6" wafer carrier; the diced pieces are shipped in a Gel-Pak® Box.

    The wafers are stealth diced, a special clean dicing process that produces debris-free substrates. All products are packed in class 10 clean room conditions.

    Properties for thermal SiNx substrates:

    Material: CZ Virgin Silicon
    Wafer Grade: Prime
    Diameter: 150mm
    Orientation: <100>
    Type/Dopant: P/Boron
    Resistivity: 10-20 Ohm-cm
    Thickness: 675 +/- 25µm
    TTV: ≤2µm
    Site Flatness: ≤1µm
    Warp: ≤30µm
    Bow: ≤20µm
    Front Surface: Polished
    Back Surface: Etched
    Flat: 1 per SEMI Standard
    2000A +/- 100A SiNx

    21630-6 - 200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, in 6" wafer carrier
    21630-55 - 
    200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, 5 x 5mm pieces in a Gel-Pak® box
    21630-57 - 
    200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, 5 x 7mm pieces in a Gel-Pak® box
    21630-510 - 
    200nm SiNx on Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafer, 10 x 10mm pieces in a Gel-Pak® box