Monitor Energy Dispersive Spectrometer/SEM Systems
PELCO X-Checker™ is a calibration aid to help you monitor the performance of your EDS X-ray system on an SEM. PELCO X-Checker™ contains a series of standard materials on your choice of aluminum mount. With PELCO X-Checker™, you can check your detector resolution and calibration, test for contamination on the detector window, monitor low-end sensitivity, and calibrate your image analysis software. When was the last time you checked the performance of your EDS system?
The #602 and #602-A contain:
602 - PELCO X-CHECKER™: Mn, Cu, C, 400 and 1000 mesh Ni grids, ø25 x 5mm cylinder mount
602-A - PELCO X-CHECKER™: Mn, Cu, C, 400 and 1000 mesh Ni grids, ø12.7mm Al stub