
PELCO® Pro Precision Titanium Tweezer, Curved Tips

  • Ti. 7 styles. Light weight, strong tweezers. Totally non-magnetic.

    The PELCO® Pro High Precision Titanium tweezers are made from high strength, fully non-magnetic Grade 1 titanium.
    Good mechanical properties combined with low weight (density is only 4.5 g/cm³) and usable up to 870° C (1600° F).
    Good corrosion resistance at room temperature to air, marine, and a variety of industrial environments.
    Titanium is a biocompatible material.
    Typical application include handling of small samples and components in chemical processes, cleaning, microscopy, high magnetic fields, histology, biology, and semiconductor manufacturing.

    Prod # Description Style Length Metal Points
    Width x Thickness
    5371-7TI PELCO® Pro Precision Titanium Tweezer, Curved Tips 7 115mm Titanium 0.25 x 0.20mm