Carbon Type B (15-25nm) with Formvar


  • Substrates, Support Films
    for Transmission Electron Microscopy Grids

    PELCO® TEM grid Support Films of Formvar, Formvar/Carbon, Carbon, and Silicon Monoxide are available on the following 3.05mm O.D. grids: 0.4 x 2mm single slot Cu, 75 mesh Cu, 200 mesh Cu,Ni or Au, 200 mesh Hex Mo, 300 mesh Cu, Ni or Au, 300 mesh Hex Mo, and 400 mesh Cu, Ni, Au, Al, Ti and stainless steel.

    Support films on the finer mesh grids can withstand considerable handling during specimen preparation. Those on slot and 75 mesh grids require more gentle handling and are ideal for those applications requiring large viewing areas without grid bar interference.

    Our popular line of PELCO NetMesh™ Grids (our trademarked lacey films) are available on 200, 300 and 400 mesh grids. These robust films allow for viewing of specimens without interference from underlying support film material.

    The complete PELCO® line of support films meets the requirements of most applications in all fields of electron microscopy.

    TEM Support Film Product Note, How Material is Layered on the Grid.

    Consult the Support Film / Substrate Application Guide below for suggestions on support film choice:

    PELCO® TEM Grid Support Film Application Guide

    This Support Film Application Guide will help you determine what support film to use for your particular transmission electron microscopy project. Once you have decided which substrate best suits your needs, you can go back up on the page for a listing of available Support Films and pricing.

    B = Best;     G = Good Alternative;     - = Not Suitable

    Substrate Application

    Stabilized with Carbon
    Silicon Monoxide
    on Formvar
    Silicon Monoxide
    on Type-A
    Is Lacey Film suitable for this application?
    Applications Requiring Pure Formvar B - - - - - - No
    Bacterial Suspensions - G B B B B B Yes
    Cell Fragment Suspensions - B B B B B B Yes
    Diffraction Studies - - G G B B B Yes
    EDS (energy dispersive spectrometry) - G - - B B G Yes
    High Resolution Microscopy - G G B B B B Yes
    High Temperature Techniques / Heating Stage - - - G B - B Yes
    (Type A)
    Low Magnification Microscopy G B B G G B G No
    Particulate Suspension, Biological - G B B B B B Yes
    Particulate Suspension, Non-biological - G B B B B B Yes
    Powders, Dry - G B G G B G No
    Replicas & Low Temperature Techniques G B - - G B G Yes
    Thin Sections G B G B G B G Yes
    Viral Suspensions - G G B B B B Yes

    Typically packaged in PELCO® TEM Grid Storage Box (Product Number 160) but is subject to change to other equally suitable grid storage boxes.

  • Carbon Type-B

    A Formvar film coated with a “heavier” layer of carbon. This is the strongest and most versatile support film we produce. It is stable in the EM under all operating conditions including high magnification with high beam intensity. The films can withstand vigorous specimen preparation techniques. If the carbon surface is hydrophobic, specimen suspensions can be applied to the Formvar surface.

    1. 01810 - Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh, Copper - pkg/25
    2. 01811 - Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 97µm - pkg/100
    3. 01910-F - Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh, Copper, Micron Reference - pkg/50
    4. 01808G - Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh TH, Gold - pkg/25
    5. 01808G-F - Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh TH, Gold - pkg/50
    6. 01808M - Carbon Type-B, 200 mesh Hex, Molybdenum -pkg/25
    7. 01813 - Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Copper - pkg/25
    8. 01813-F - Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Copper - pkg/50
    9. 01810G-F - Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Gold approx. grid hole size: 63µm - pkg/50
    10. 01813M - Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh, Molybdenum -pkg/25
    11. 01809M - Carbon Type-B, 300 mesh Hex, Molybdenum - pkg/25
    12. 01814-F - Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Copper approx. grid hole size: 42µm - pkg/50
    13. 01814G - Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Gold - pkg/25
    14. 01814G-F - Carbon Type-B, 400 mesh, Gold - pkg/50
    15. 01816 - Carbon Type-B, Triple Slot, Copper - pkg/25