The carbon rods are offered in either spectroscopically pure or technical grades for standard electron microscopy evaporation requirements using carbon coaters. Due to the purification process used all carbon rods we supply have a graphite structure. The purification process removes impurities at a high temperature and causes the carbon to crystallize. The graphite structure has no adverse effects on the carbon coating or the carbon coating process. The user might perceive an additional advantage: the carbon rods (graphite rods) are less brittle than the carbon rods and are easier to handle and easier to shape.
Technical grade carbon rods have a typical impurity level of around 50ppm or greater. Typical applications are non critical SEM or SEM/EDS coating of non-conducting samples.
"Spec-Pure" (spectroscopically pure) grade is available for carbon (graphite) rods with impurities equal or less than 2ppm (single element 1 ppm or less). Typically the impurity level is more likely 1ppm or less. This grade should be used for TEM, FESEM, FIB, WDS, EBSD, Microprobe and more critical SEM/EDS applications.
Grade 1 Spec-Pure Carbon Rods
Spectroscopically pure graphite structure carbon rods with an impurity level of 2ppm or less with 1ppm as maximum level for each element. Trace elements can be Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca or B (less than or equal to 1ppm). The rods are all 12" long with three nominal diameters (1/8", 3/16" and 1/4") to comply with the carbon source used in different high vacuum carbon evaporators. Highly recommended for TEM, FESEM, FIB, WDS, EBSD, Microprobe and more critical SEM/EDS applications. Density 1.10 g/cm³, resistivity 67 µΩm, hardness 32 shore, and porosity 29%.