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ESD Safe SV Carbon Wafer Tweezers, for 5.8 - 10.2cm (2 - 4") wafers
ESD Safe SV Carbon Wafer Tweezers, for 5.8cm (2") wafers
Glass Filled Delrin® Pliers
Glass Filled Nylon Pliers
Heavy Crossover, Reverse (Self Closing) Tweezer
Industrial, Economy Tweezers
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #00
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #1
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #2A
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #3
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #3C
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #4
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #5
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #5A
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #7
Industrial, Economy Tweezers #9
Industrial, Economy Tweezers AA
Industrial, Economy Tweezers Serrated Tips SS
Industrial, Economy Tweezers Slide-lock Serrated Tips SS
Industrial, Economy Tweezers SS
Lighted Embedding Forceps 15cm
Lighted Ergonomic Embedding Forceps 14cm
Lighted Metzenbaum Scissors
Long-Handled SEM Gripper for Grooved 12.7mm (1/2") Pin Stubs
Loop Forceps, Serrated
Mount Gripper for Grooved 25mm (1") dia. Pin Stub Mounts
Non-magnetic tweezers/forceps style SEM Mount Gripper for holding standard grooved pin stub mounts
PELCO Mini, Fine
PELCO Mini, Flat
PELCO Mini, Slim
PELCO Reverse, Anti-Capillary
PELCO Reverse, Curved
PELCO Reverse, Fine
PELCO Reverse, Flat
PELCO Slim Angled
PELCO Slim Angled
PELCO Slim Fine
PELCO Slim Fine Angled
PELCO Slim Long
PELCO Slim Point Touch
PELCO Slim Relieved Tips
PELCO® CF ESD Safe, Tweezers
PELCO® CF ESD Safe, Tweezers Set
PELCO® CF Polyamide Tweezers
PELCO® Cylinder Mount Gripper for 15mm dia.
PELCO® Cylinder Mount Gripper for 9.5 and 10mm dia.
PELCO® Cylinder Mount Grippers for 12.2 and 12.5mm dia.
PELCO® Cylinder Mount Grippers for 25mm dia.
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